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Way of the Cross: 2008

Join us on a symbolic journey. The Cross we follow during this ceremony is nowhere near as heavy, nor as rough as the Cross that Jesus bore. But each year, as we listen to the scripture and reflect on its meaning for us in our world today, we continue to learn about Jesus' journey - how its message is eternal and new at each reading.

Followers gather at the steps to the First United Methodist Church.

The Cross looms before us all.

The first volunteer takes the cross during the Station One and Station Two

Station One: Jesus Prays in the Garden of Olives

Station Two: Jesus is betrayed by Judas

We prepare to symbolically walk in the footsteps of Jesus.

The Cross leads the way

A quiet, somber crowd follows

As we pass the marble, steel, and glass monuments of the world's prosperity

The simple wooden Cross stands in contrast to our modern society

Walking through the marble pillars.

Imaging Jesus walking through the marble portico

The signal acknowledges the Cross

Our second stop: the Connection Cafe

Station Three: Jesus is condemned to Death by the Sanhedrin

Another volunteer assumes the duty of the Cross

Station Four: Jesus is Denied by Peter

The journey continues

The faithful follows the Cross

The next stop is at the Catholic Pastoral Center

Station Five: Jesus is Judged by Pilate

Station Six: Jesus is Flogged and Crowned with Thorns

The Cross continues on its way

The Cross is found in many forms downtown

Approaching Elsie Mason Manor

Another volunteer bears the Cross

Station Seven: Jesus Carries His Cross

Station Eight: Jesus is Helped by Simon of Cyrene

The Cross carries its message downtown

Waiting for traffic to pass - the world continues even in the presence of the Cross

The procession continues its solemn path

Approaching Nollen Plaza

The Cross arrives at the foot of the Crusoe Umbrella.

Station Nine: Jesus Encounters the Woman of Jerusalem

Station Ten: Jesus is Crucified

Another follower carries the Cross.

Leading the way to the next station

The crowd follows quietly

On the route to the Jail

The Cross pauses briefly by the Courthouse

We remember Jesus' trial as we pass the Courthouse

We near the Polk County Jail
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